Who we are


Recticel University

We firmly believe in in-house talent management and offer employees every chance to develop their skills through on-the-job-training or coaching to support the company’s goals. The international Recticel University (RECUN) offers training modules tuned to specific business line needs or to cross-departmental competences such as finance, project management, communication and leadership. Every year, hundreds of managers and other professionals participate in our internal Recticel University programmes. In addition to the training provided at RECUN, we offer a wide variety of e-learning modules.

Employees who start a RECUN training module embark on a journey of several months. Each module begins with a preparatory phase consisting of an extensive e-learning path, followed by interactive face-to-face workshops in which participants form small learning groups to carry out Recticel-related assignments. During follow-up workshops, the participants present the results of their assignments and receive individual feedback from members of Recticel management.
The content of the hands-on training sessions is immediately applicable and helps to boost business. RECUN also provides an excellent forum for meeting colleagues from other countries, business lines and departments and for sharing information informally. It creates a team spirit and nurtures the feeling of belonging to the Recticel community.
