Who we are

We never compromise on safety!

Our 'Simply Safe' initiative

At Recticel, we never compromise on safety. It is embedded in our Core Value of acting with respect and integrity. Unfortunately, despite our efforts to raise awareness and improve in this area, we still have too many accidents.

On 26 April 2018 we took a major step towards our goal of an accident-free global workplace by holding the first Recticel Global Safety Day. As well as renewing and clarifying the focus on this vital issue, it relayed an important message: safety is everyone’s responsibility.


Global Safety Day marked the launch of our Simply Safe initiative across all divisions and in every site. Simply Safe was set up to change attitudes forever by making every worker aware that they must follow safety procedures and avoid taking risks. 

To encourage everyone to take up the challenge, we prepared the ground by simplifying our rules, getting rid of inconsistencies and making our practices easier for everyone to understand and follow. The result is a clear framework of Golden Safety Principles and Golden Safety Rules, which are now displayed on posters at all our sites.


Recticel Golden Safety Principles


Click on the image to enlarge

Recticel Golden Safety Rules


Click on the image to enlarge


Recticel Global Safety Day: 'STOP. THINK. ACT!'

By dedicating a day to safety we emphasize the importance of safety as a core value. We  encourage our employees to prioritize safety in their actions and decisions, fostering a culture where safety is everyone's responsibility. 



Let's change our habits together 


Not just a one-day event

Global Safety Day is far from being an isolated event. Being Simply Safe requires sustained effort and awareness in all our activities. We have provided all our employees with a pocket-sized summary of the Golden Safety Principles and Golden Safety Principles so that they can keep them to hand at all times. Recticel will also continue to organise safety-related projects and events to ensure that our common goal – an incident-free workplace – remains a priority for everyone.


Related information on: Health, Safety and Environment